Kako malo pozornosti posvečamo umetni svetlobi v vsakdanjem življenju, se navadno zavemo šele ko zmanjka elektrike, ali nam pregori žarnica. Preostanek časa je gib, ki ga naredimo da pritisnemo na stikalo tako avtomatsko, da se ga niti ne zavedamo.
Sinteza prefinjene estetike in dovršene tehnologije…
This task comes with a dual, even contradicting set of maxims – humility and exultation. Humility in front of that which transcend not only that what we are, but what we could ever be, do and achieve. Yet at the same time, exultation – the joy, praise and surrender to all that is good, worthy , holy. To forgiveness, acceptance and, yes, love. From the purity and awe-inspiring grandeour of the architectural design, one can clearly see the architects understood the magnitude of their task well and made use of natural light to the fullest. It was the goal of Arcadia, to extend their vision to the use of artificial light as well. By using resecced, hidden and indirect lighting, the team of light designers managed to create an atmosphere of light, that at the same time, comes from everywhere and nowhere…
Naj svetloba dela za vas
Zahteve osvetljevanja poslovnih prostorov danes poleg osnovnega zadovoljevanja predpisov vključujejo široko paleto drugih faktorjev. Svetloba pomaga graditi celostno podobo podjetja tako pri strankah, kot pri zaposlenih, obenem pa z uporabo sodobnih regualcijskih sistemov zagotavlja optimalno učinkovitost in udobje vsem uproabnikom prostora.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sit amet eros et sem viverra ultricies. Praesent nec suscipit ipsum. Quisque sagittis nisl nec nisi dapibus auctor. Suspendisse quis mi in metus egestas efficitur id sed sem. Proin in tellus id tellus rutrum laoreet at porttitor nulla. Donec quis velit massa. Vivamus tempor id leo eu porttitor.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sit amet eros et sem viverra ultricies. Praesent nec suscipit ipsum. Quisque sagittis nisl nec nisi dapibus auctor. Suspendisse quis mi in metus egestas efficitur id sed sem. Proin in tellus id tellus rutrum laoreet at porttitor nulla. Donec quis velit massa. Vivamus tempor id leo eu porttitor.